Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back to Site

I uploaded the second batch of photos to Picasa, from my classroom visit on the first day of school and my second hike on top of the cliffs. This time, instead of writing the stories behind the photos in a blog post, I typed them into the captions under the photos. Here's the link.

Also, I added a new box to the right side of the blog called Twitter Updates. I found out from another PCV that you can "tweet" from your cell phone here... meaning I can send short text messages and they will be posted to my Twitter account. Since I don't have Internet access in Kenieba, I thought that sending an occasional Twitter update would be a fun and easy way to update the blog. I am not yet sure if it will work, or if I will have anything interesting to tweet about, but I figured it would be a good experiment.

It has been a good week in Kayes, but I am looking forward to getting back to Kenieba. The next time I plan to be back here will be the week of Thanksgiving... I can't believe it's only a month away!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Billy, We love the photos as Jack and I thought you would be without all this lush vegetation. Thanks. Bernice
